質疑応答の要旨 Summary of oral discussions [フロア] 映画のマーケット戦略に色の国民性を考えているのか。 [from the floor] Do you consider the national character in the marketing of movies? [演者] 表現のひとつとして色を選んでおり、国別では考えていない。 [speaker] A movie is one of the expression of my arts. There is no relationship with the nationalities of audiences. [フロア] ビデオとフィルムの色に関する違いは何か。 [from the floor] What is the essential difference about colors between video and films? [演者] 精度はフィルムがいいが、使い勝手はビデオの方がいいのではないか。 [speaker] Films can reproduce more precise images than video. But video is more convenient. [フロア] 手術器具でなく病変をうまく撮影する工夫はしているか。 [from the floor] Did you make any device to take human tissues? [演者] 独自の世界を作っている [speaker] I do not intend to take them like real ones, but to create an original world. [フロア] 今のビデオ技術で色についての不満はないか。 [from the floor] Do you have any complaint about the reproduction of colors using video? [演者] 暗いものは色の階調が出にくい。 [speaker] The difference of colors of dark subjects are not reproduced satisfactorily in video. |