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パネルディスカッション 第1部:パワーユーザーと色処理専門家の連携で拓く新世界


司会 西堀 眞弘

The 1st Symposium of the 'Color' of Digital Imaging in Medicine

Panel Discussion Part 1 :
Cooperation of Power Users in Medicine and Specialists of Color Technologies
for Pioneering a New Frontier

Overall Oral Discussions

Chairperson : Masahiro NISHIBORI
Clinical Laboratory, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Medical Hospital

Summary of oral discussions

[フロア] マルチスペクトルの波長の必要最低限の基底数を決める根拠は何か。
[from the floor] What reason can decide the appropriate number of princilpal components of wavelengths for multispectral imaging to be applied to medicine?
[パネリスト] 目的に添った適当な症例を定めて検討した。
[panelists] In order to decide it, an appropriate number of appropriate cases for the purpose should be investigated in a study of appropriate design.
[フロア] 必要最低限の基底数を決めるとき、数が多ければ誤差が無視できるが、特殊なものが異常に多く含まれているとバイアスとなるし、特殊な例はそれだけで診断するのは無理ではないか。
[from the floor] In medicine, designing a controlled study is not so easy and any bias is possible to creep into the result. Further, the characteristics of rare cases should not be neglected in usual medical practice.
[フロア] 光源はキセノンランプで良いのか、CCDやフィルターも何らかの規定をする必要があるのではないか。
[from the floor] Is there scientific reasons to adopt xenon lamps as the standard illuminant? Should some standardization be made for CCDs and optic filters?
[パネリスト] 光源の特性は国際的に決まっているが、他は野放しなので、医療ニーズに沿った形で規定が必要。
[panelists] We already have an international standard for technological characteristics of illuminants only. For others, some standards must be determined which meet the requirements of the medical field.
[フロア] (1)分光反射率の推定に必要な3バンドの波長は今のRGBがいいのか。(2)今の出力装置は3バンドしかないがそれ以上のものが必要ではないか。
[from the floor] (1) When we calculate the spectral reflectance based on three primary colors, should we use the current tristimulus values? Or is there another choice which is more suitable? (2) Does display equipment of multispectral imaging systems require larger number of color channels than current tristimulus channels to reproduce original colors?
[パネリスト] (1)もっといい組合せがあるかも知れない。(2)そういう装置が現実にないが、当然再現性は良くなる。
[panelists] (1) We may find some more suitable combination of primary colors in future. (2) We have not have such displays in reality yet, but they will reproduce colors more precisely than any displays currently used.
[フロア] 標準化はどの程度進んでいるのか。
[from the floor] Is there any plan to establish some standards for multispectral imaging?
[パネリスト] 秋にシンポを企画しているので、その辺の議論で決まる。
[panelists] A symposium on multispectral imaging will be held in this fall, and some related discussion will be expected there.
[フロア] 赤外光や紫外光の方が診断しやすいということがあり得るのか。
[from the floor] Is there any possibilities that infrared or ultraviolet light is more suitable for medical imaging used for diagnoses in some cases?
[パネリスト] 場合により有りうる。
[panelists] It supposed to depend on the cases.