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第9回日本光カード医学会総会 (Oct. 24, 1998)[論文集p11-12]



西堀 眞弘



 良いことばかりではない。既得権やコネだけにすがって権益を享受してきた政治家や企業、そしてその者たちに寄生虫のように貼り付いてぬくぬくと暮らしてきた人々は、容赦なく有権者や顧客から紙切れのようにうち捨てられ、路頭に迷い野垂れ死んでも誰も助けてはくれない。またハイパーネットワーク社会では、ネットワークから供給される情報のプライオリティが最も高くなり、生きるために必須の情報からゴミ同然の情報まで、すべてがそのひとつのメディアから絶え間なく供給されるようになる。しかも旧来のメディアはその補完に過ぎなくなり、それらに頼っていたのでは情報の完結性が保証されない。そこで、ネットワーク上にある無限の情報源から必要なものを間断なく選別していく能力、そして害を及ぼす情報から自分や家族を守り抜いていく能力を身に着けなければ、個人の側も生き残ることができない。人間が生物である以上、適者生存に基づく自然選択が起こることは避けられない。  さて、人類にとっての新たな挑戦となるハイパーネットワーク社会は、長い苦難の歴史を経てようやく辿り着いた、貧困や争いのない、幸福と繁栄に満ちた理想郷となるのであろうか。それともやはりヒトは獣の業から逃れられず、悪意と暴力に満ちた弱肉強食の野蛮な無法社会の中で喘ぐことになるのであろうか。

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The 9th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Medical Optical Card (Oct. 24, 1998)
[Proceedings p10-11] 1999

<<Chairman's Lecture>>

The Hyper-network Age of the Human Race

Clinical Laboratory, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Medical Hospital

A long time has gone when it was said that the network age had come. But in reality, most directions of information streams had been no more than one way traffic from the center to the end for a long time. Recently the internet has connected multiple points to each other and produced network-like information streams for the first time.

A time in which the internet was merely possession of enthusiastic people has gone in a blink, and today no one can interrupt its explosive expansion. All of mass media are eagerly trying to broadcast the top news using home pages to win priority, all banks and credit cards make keen competition for the initiative in the electronic commerce. Someday, no one will be able to proud of accuracy of one's foresight made at present time about appearance of the future world. Obviously, it must not a mere extension of today's one at all.

Computers is said to have brought a great change to the human community. Accounting in most of companies is processed by computers, and they are also indispensable for designing and manufacturing any industrial products. Microchips are installed even in air-conditioners and electric hot water jugs to assist our convenient life. Television made people in most countries possible to watch each other as they really are, and demolished the wall of Berlin. Jetliners made people in most countries possible to visit each other readily and to come in touch directly with their communities. Still, most people would not make any doubt of the illusion that they can be protected only by obeying to some state power and physical territories are indispensable for existence of nations, which has stuck human beings since the dawn of history. Nevertheless, will there any reason be left to believe such illusion when the development of the network has reached the limit?

Prospect based on the usage of networks seen today may lead to a wrong conclusion. We are just stepping at the entrance of the network age. Although the internet has become much popular, only a small part of the human race has access to it. And locations where they can have access to the internet are limited, and time when they have access to the internet occupies only a small part of their life.

Network infrastructures implemented today are no more than a system that connects multiple relay points in order to enable people who are located on distant relay points to communicate with each other. Without going to some place where one can use a terminal connected to the internet, or without bringing a portable terminal to some place where one can connect it to the internet, one cannot join the network. Because this situation is merely slight improvement in convenience than before, it does not bring the change in terms of quality, but the change in terms of quantity only. Nevertheless, as long as the human race is a social animal, a ceaseless desire to communicate with each other would not leave the network evolution such a half-finished stage as it is.

A commercial product which requires only a phone line and a TV set to obtain access to the internet has been available already. A cellular phone system equipped with scores of satellites which can be used anywhere on the surface of the globe has been in operation. Pocket-sized terminals with LCD display has won a great success as a commercial product. It would not take a long time that technologies applied to each products will be improved, be merged and finally produce a ultra small and easily affordable portable terminal with which one can make access to the internet whenever one wants and wherever one stay on the surface of the globe.

The advent of a means to communicate with every people on the surface of the globe which can be used anywhere and anytime is a revolutionary event in history, which is classed with acquisition of fire, invention of printing, the Industrial Revolution and invention of computers. Therefore, the network which has reached such an ultimate stage is proposed to name as 'hyper-network.'

Figure 1The current internet (upper) and the hyper-network (lower)

Every individual carries a small terminal always connected to the internet, and whenever necessary, uses it to watch every news paper, TV program and movie in the world, to exchange telephone calls and mails with every people in the world for the private purpose as well as for business, to enjoy shopping at every store in the world and to make investments in everything chosen from all over the world. Only companies which have won customers in a global competition can survive, and supreme products are continuously supplied at the lowest costs by them.

As for medical practice, one can use the terminal to obtain any required medical information or to receive health care services of any medical facility chosen from all over the world, anytime and anywhere one feels something wrong, or regularly. And when occasion demands, consultation with a specialized physician in appropriate fields is immediately arranged, and all of supreme preventive measures against a possible disease are applied at the earliest stage when no symptom has appeared yet. Only unfortunate cases in which a disease cannot be prevented are given some medicine or have some operation, and after that, the patients use the terminal to have continuous medical care for rehabilitation provided in order to live a social life as equal as possible to healthy people. Total expenditure on medicine is innovatively reduced, and saved money contributes further progress in medical technology.

Indirect democracy will be a relic of the past. Consultants in all the world compete for policy plans about every political issue, and a policy selected by direct vote is contracted by a company selected by a public tender to be put into practice. Busy electors commission proper companies to select the most advantageous policies to them, in order to exercise their right based on the best considered decision at the cost of minimum time to be consumed. Local subjects closely related to a land are decided by each region, racial subjects are decided by each race, subjects of a special interest are decided by all interested parties and global subjects are decided by the whole of the human race.

Not all of things go well. Politicians and businessmen who have enjoyed interests relying on their vested rights and connections, and those who have clung to these people to live comfortable lives are deserted like waste paper without any mercy by the electors or by the customers, and no one would save them even if they are turned adrift and die by the roadside. Meanwhile, in hyper-networked community, because the highest priority in distributing information is given to the network, all of information, which varies from fatal one indispensable for life to trashy one like garbage, is supplied always by only one medium. Simultaneously, as all of old media other than the network become only supplements, comprehensiveness of information supplied by them will not be guaranteed. Then, anyone who does not acquire the ability to find and select essential information continuously from infinite sources in the network, as well as the ability to protect continuously oneself and one's family against harmful information, cannot survive also. As long as the human race is a living creature, it cannot escape from a natural selection according to the law of the survival of the fittest.

Then, which will the challenging hyper-network age of the human race be a Utopia where they have struggled to along a long and painful history and finally live in happiness and prosperity without any poverty and battling, or a lawless and barbarous world where they gasp in malice and violence with chained to karma of a beast?

A revolutionary network itself is a mere tool. Any tool would never decide the future of the human race by itself. Convenience as well as danger belongs to any tool like two sides of the same coin. Whether to use the best of a tool or not, and whether to use a tool for murder or for creation, depend on human beings who use the tool indeed.

No one will show you how to use the tool properly forever, even if you are waiting for. Further, such a solution as someone decides the usage and forces everyone to obey it in order to maintain public order is equal to selling out one's spirit to a devil. Such a regulation like prohibition against using the tool is exactly caused by confusion of the order of things. After all, the only way we can choose to lead ourselves to a paradise is that every one of us would accumulate devices that can bring out the best merits of the network as well as minimize its risks, one by one.

The hyper-network age, which we are rushing into with the 21st century close at hand, is a severe and cruel era filled with infinite possibilities and expectations as no one has experienced yet within the memory of the human race.

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