A. General Information

1. The Japanese Journal of Electrophoresis is the official journal of the Japanese Electrophoresis Society founded in 1950. The journal publishes papers of broad interest on methodology and application of electrophoresis and related techniques. The Journal accepts manuscripts submitted by the Society Members in principle. Manuscripts may come from any country in the world but must be in English or Japanese. Following instructions are to authors preparing manuscripts in English.

2. Three copies of manuscripts should be submitted to :
Japanese Journal of Electrophoresis
Editorial Office
In : Center for Academic Publications Japan
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan
(Phone : 03-3817-5821, Fax : 03-3817-5830)

3. Electric manuscripts on a floppy disk are required for publication (the instruction can be obtained from the Editorial Office) .

4. The Editors assume that each submission is an original report of previously unpublished work and that no other submission or publication has been or will be made while this paper is under consideration. Abstracts of oral or poster presentations are not considered to constitute previous publications.

5. It is important that manuscripts be written in clear, grammatical English. It is often helpful for authors to ask one or more native English speakers to proofread the manuscript carefully. Authors will be charged if any extensive correction of errors in the manuscript is done by Editorial Staffs.

6. Review of paper is carried out by members of the Editorial Board. The decision of the editors and detailed referee reports will be sent to authors from the Editorial Board.

7. Revised paper will retain its original date of receipt only if it is resubmitted within two months of the date of the letter reporting the editorial decision. The revised manuscript in triplicate should be accompanied by a brief letter indicating the changes that have been made on the paper.

8. Galley proofs will be sent to authors together with a reprint order form before publication. Reprints may be purchased at the price indicated on delivery. The authors' proofs should be returned to the Editorial Office within two days of receipt to avoid delays in publication.

9. As a condition of publication authors must transfer copyright to the Japanese Electrophoresis Society.

B. Forms and Styles of Manuscripts

1. The following forms of papers are published : Full Paper (original research paper of full length), Rapid Communications (articles to be published promptly with page charge) , Short Communications (description of short investigations) , Technical Notes (description of technical improvements) , Case Reports (reports of clinical observations) .

2. Manuscripts should be typed in 10 pitch fonts with double spacing throughout including reference, tables, footnotes and figure legends on one side of white bond paper about 21 x 29.5 cm(ISO A4) with 2.5 cm margins on both sides (about 60-65 Ietters/line, 25-28 Iines/ page) . Manuscripts of Full Papers should not exceed 15 pages, including figures and tables in principle. The Journal publishes Full Papers within 5 printed pages, in principle. The authors will be charged for exceeding pages if the Editors accept the longer manuscripts. Other styles of paper should be shorter than 3 printed pages. To fit the restriction, manuscripts should not exceed 8 pages including figures and tables. All printed pages of Rapid Communications are charged.

3. Each manuscripts should have a separate title page noting ( a ) the title of the article, ( b ) names and affiliations of authors, ( c ) 3 to 5 key words, ( d ) name and complete mailing address of author to whom proofs should be sent, and ( e ) the list of abbreviations used.

4. Desirable organization of a Full Paper is as follows : ( a ) Summary (up to 150 words) , ( b ) Introductory Statement with no heading, ( c ) Materials and Methods, (d) Results, ( e ) Discussion, ( f ) References, ( g) Footnotes if required, ( h ) Legends for Figures (more than one legend may be on the same page), ( i ) Tables and Figures. Number all sheets in succession. Indicate the appropriate location of the tables and figures in the text by marginal notes.

5. All figures should be prepared in such forms as to permit photographic reproduction and no larger than 20X28 cm. Letters, numbers and symbols should be large enough to fit the proportion of printed pages. Illustrations and photographs in color will not be accepted. Identify all figures with author's name and figure number on the back side of the sheet.

6. References should be cited in the text by Arabic numbers in parentheses and listed at the end of the paper in numerical order of the appearance in the text. Abbreviations of journal titles should conform to those of Index Medicus. Examples are given below :
l ) Polonis VR, Anderson GR, Doyle D. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of phosphorylated, membrane-localized ras p 21 proteins. Arch Biochem Biophys 1987 ; 754 : 541-6.
Books and Monographs
2) Takeo K, Fujimoto M, Kuwahara A, Suzuno R, Nakamura K. Calculation of the thermodynamic constants of concanavalin A-carbohydrate interactions by means of affinity electrophoresis. In : Allen RC, Arnaud P, editors. Electrophoresis '81. Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, 1981 : 33 4O. Consult "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" (N Engl J Med 1991 ' 324 : 424-8) for other forms of references.

7. Nomenclature of chemicals and enzymes, units of physical and chemical quantitations, symbolism of isotopically labelled compounds should conform to the recommendations adopted by the IUPAC/IUB Commit-tee. Most of the rules may be found in instructions to Authors for J Biol Chem or for Anal Biochem.