形態検査インターネットサーベイのホームページへ The Survey Web English Home Page

The Internet Survey of Morphological Laboratory Tests-1999A

This page is bilingual, so please neglect queer characters if your browser does not understand Japanese.

一般(1)(2) | 寄生虫 | 血液(1)(2) | 微生物 | 免疫血清
病理細胞診(1)(2)(3) | 染色体検査 | 生理(1)(2)(3) | 回答方法

Urinalysis(1)(2) | Parasitology | Hematology(1)(2) | Microbiology | Immunology
Cytology(1)(2)(3) | Chromosome analysis | Physiology(1)(2)(3) | How to Answer


Japanese Association of Medical Technologists
(The contributor cannot respond to any direct inquiry. Please contact the administrator for every question.)

[1999a-mb01, 1999a-mb02, 1999a-mb03]

Question Number : 1999a-mb01

(upper) Gram-stained smear and Gimenez-stained smear of sputum of a pneumonic patient,
(lower) bacterial colonies on the B-CYEalpha agar derived from it.
What bacterial species is most probable?

Question Number : 1999a-mb02

(中)そのチール・ネルゼン染色標本、x 400倍
(下)その蔗糖浮遊法による生標本、x 600倍
(upper) watery diarrhea,
(middle) its smear with Ziehl- Neelsen stain, x 400
(lower) its microscopy treated with the sucrose floating method, x 600
What kind of pathogenic organisms is most probable?

Question Number : 1999a-mb03

A microorganism derived from tha pharynx of 2 months old baby suffering from afebrile pneumonia was inoculated into the Hela229 cells.
(upper) Giemsa-stain after 50 hours' incubation
(middle) electron microscopy after 50 hours' incubation
(lower) stained with iodine after 50 hours' incubation
What kind of pathogenic organisms is most probable?

形態検査インターネットサーベイのホームページへ The Survey Web English Home Page